
The first book, The Ultimate Philosophy, set forth a practical theory of how to merge Utopia with reality.
The second book, The Ultimate Philosophy-Book II, set forth some actual methods for merging Utopia with reality.
This third book completes a philosophical trilogy on Utopia by exploring some perceptions of Utopia.

Table of Contents
Chapter I ..... Being
Chapter II .... Paradox
Chapter III ... Already There
Chapter IV ... Neighbors
Chapter V .... Spirituality
Chapter VI ... Futurists
Chapter VII .. Evolution
Chapter VIII . Perfect Picture
Chapter IX ... Energy
Chapter X .... Conclusion

Chapter I
"Human Duality"

        Visions of Utopia are as numerous as the number of people. Every person has their own view of what Utopia, a heaven on earth, would be like. While there is no unified view of Utopia, the various views can be classified into some common groups. The range of these groups spans from those who believe they have already found Utopia, to those who believe humans can reach a state of pure energy, which is a realm beyond Utopia.

        All views of Utopia involve change, which affects human systems and institutions. Such change will only be facilitated by a fundamental reassessment of every human-made system in light of its purpose and function. For example, enforcement of the law should refocus its goal to truth finding, and eliminate the institutionalized court room rules that perpetuate gamesmanship instead of justice. Some people are blinded by emotion and/or self-serving beliefs when it comes to changing institutions or systems they are connected with. Institutions exist to serve humans. Humans do not exist to serve institutions. The starting point of an honest evaluation of the systems that serve Humanity is an understanding of who they serve, which involves an understanding of the nature of humans.

       Humans consist of a physical body which includes the brain. The cells of the body and brain are interconnected by nerve fibers. These nerve fibers carry nerve impulses from the brain to the body, and stimulus from the sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin) to the brain. The body is nourished with food, and burns the same to create the energy impulses that travel the nerves. Therefore, people are part of the duality of the third dimension.

       Three dimensional objects (matter) are in essence trapped energy, and as such, mass can be converted into energy, and energy can be converted into mass. Einstein's theory of relativity summarizes this duality by stating that matter and energy are not distinct, and they can be changed into each other (energy is equivalent to mass times the velocity of light squared). One example of this duality is photosynthesis. The sun emits energy in the form of light and heat by burning up matter, and trees convert the sun light back into matter in the form of their growth. A grown tree may then be burned in a fireplace to release energy in the form of heat and light. This circular duality between energy and matter is one of the elements of the third dimension. The human mind is at the cusp of this duality. The brain functions at the convergence between matter and energy, and uses energy to create thought. The human body (mass) is the tangible physical existence, and thought (energy impulses traveling in that mass) is the intangible mental existence. The duality of mass and energy exist in man as body and thought.

       The body is a vessel only. Once the brain stops functioning, there is a lack of energy impulses, one is legally dead, and if on life support machines they are disconnected because the body alone is not the person. One's being is their conscious perception of themselves and their surroundings, which perception comprises current sensory impulses in conjunction with accessed knowledge from prior stored memories in the brain. In sum, the true essence of being is mental existence through thought from energy.

Chapter II
"Sensory Filters"

       The Human thought process is not a perfect mechanism. Human sensory organs act as filters of knowledge, because they can only pass along information that they have the ability to detect. That sensory information is further restricted by the limits of the body's information delivery systems, and the limits of the brain's faculty for perception of information so delivered. Thought is affected by feelings and emotions such as, love-hate, excited-bored, happy-sad, funny-serious, euphoric-depressed, etc.. Thought can be affected by mental illness. People have varying levels of intelligence, and intelligence can manifest itself selectively as with idiot savants. Chemicals released by the body, or ingested, can affect thought processes. As a result of evolutionary survival mechanisms, personality traits and characteristics are influenced by one's genetic composition (DNA). In sum, thought processes are complex mechanisms. Humanity currently lacks complete knowledge of exactly how the thought process works, and therefore lacks complete control over the same.

       Without a complete understanding of thought processes, and methods to completely control the same, Humanity can never have a true Utopia. Under current circumstances people can be placed in a perfect environment, but there will still be hatred, jealousy, and other manifestations of negative thoughts and actions. In short, a perfect environment will not provide a perfect existence for an imperfect being. It is a paradox for an imperfect being to seek a perfect existence by seeking a perfect place. Therefore, Utopia is more than a place, it is a state of being that fulfills both sides of human duality.

       In order to reach Utopia we must be able to perfect not just our environment, but also ourselves. Like control of the environment through technology, our ability to control thought processes is a necessary piece of the Utopian puzzle. We need a "pair of docs" (two doctors), one to fix our environment, and one to fix ourselves. Once we can control and regulate negative thoughts, and obtain the ability to have pure thought unrestrained by limitations, we will be free from the chains of our imperfect state of being, and able to reach higher levels of being. We will see the light instead of shadows.

       In light of this basic understanding of what a human-being is, some common perceptions of Utopia are assessed in the following chapters.

Chapter III
Already There
"Peace and Love"

       Some people believe Humanity can have Utopia now. They believe Humanity has everything necessary for a Utopia, and that humans just have to better utilize what they have now and enjoy the same. The World Game Institute has prepared the most comprehensive statement of this position and posted the same at The Institute has identified various programs and policies that could provide for food, water, shelter, health care, energy and education for every person in the world, while eliminating all major environmental problems. Without a solution, more than 800 million people will remain malnourished, large segments of the population will continue to suffer from preventable diseases, and over 40 million people will die each year from starvation or preventable diseases. Additionally, plant and animal extinction, deforestation, soil erosion, ozone depletion, and other major environmental problems will continue. The combined total cost of implementing corrective programs is 30% of the world's total annual military expenditures, or 234 billion dollars. Society's bystanding at this mass human slaughter because of improper use of available resources constitutes complicity in murder. If one is not convinced of the imperative need to solve such problems for humanitarian reasons, then it should be noted that the resulting benefits of an overall enhanced quality of life, increased global productivity, and environmental preservation, clearly exceed the costs of these programs.

       Being in tune with ourselves and nature, and wisely using our current resources is an excellent start for having a better world. Life is full of wonder and beauty and should be cherished and enjoyed by everyone. However, Humanity can, and should, do better, such as finding cures for all disease.

Chapter IV
"Utopian Communities"

       Some Utopia seekers think Humanity's problems can be solved by community level autonomy and self-rule. They believe each community should be free to set its own standards and rules and that there should be a community for each different type of belief and preference that exists. Each community would establish its own rules of conduct and behavior, allowing any conduct and behavior preferred, and prohibiting any conduct and behavior disliked. Subsequently, each person can pick a community to live in which matches their vision of an ideal community. For instance, one community may be vegetarian only with legalized drugs; another may be a community of open sexual relations with no family structure recognized; or a community may be of families only with a particular religious belief; etc.. Each person could live the style of life they personally choose, and could do so in an environment where other lifestyles that they believe are offensive are not allowed. Like exclusive social clubs, there could be exclusive communities of people with common behavioral standards. If one desires variety of beliefs then there would be a community to accommodate such like minded people. Whatever ones desires, preferences, and beliefs, there would be a community for such like minded people. Of course for those who want to live alone, so be it.

       Other people believe a Utopia civilization can be achieved by having a community that is properly structured and operated. Numerous attempts, both past and present, have been undertaken to build Utopian communities. These are noble, well intentioned efforts, that may bring a happier than otherwise attainable life to their residents, but none have achieved their goal, because Utopia is more than a place, it is a state of being. These communities seek the solution to all human problems through a perfect living environment, which is just one side of the Utopian equation. The solution to human imperfection must also be found in order to have Utopia.

Chapter V

       Some claim that an unseen force or level of existence will provide instant nirvana and/or solve all human problems. There are a multitude of different types of such claims. All one has to do to have the alleged benefit of any such claim is join a group, accept certain beliefs, buy informational tapes or books, and/or pay to attend seminars. In exchange for personal and financial commitments, one will allegedly be shown how to live at some higher level and/or use the power of that higher plane of existence. The only higher power at work here is the manipulation of people for the green god better known as money. None of these claims are scientifically verifiable, and as such they are a bunch of mumbo jumbo. There is no unseen magic that will solve all human problems.

       The only true spirit humans have access to is the human spirit, which is the power from human attributes and qualities. That power is no mystery, but simply the ability to conceptualize something, and the desire and will to make the same a reality. Humanity must use this spirit to learn all that it can about itself and it's environment, in order to discover how to control and regulate the same for the highest quality of life possible. Humanity is continually enhancing it's abilities, such as the power of creation through cloning, genetic engineering, test tube babies, etc.. The ability to create is just one of the godlike abilities Humanity is obtaining, and through such abilities Humanity is evolving toward a godlike existence. In the beginning there was man, and created he the concept of god. Humans are becoming what they dreamed of.

Chapter VI
"Environmental Mastery"

        The most common Utopian belief is that Humanity will reach Utopia by acquiring powerful technological abilities, while human physiology and characteristics remain essentially the same. Nanotechnology is the most revolutionary of currently conceived future technological abilities. Nanotechnology is simply molecular manufacturing. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, so nanomachines would exist at an infinitesimal scale. All matter (gases, liquids, and solid objects) is composed of molecules, and molecules are just specific combinations of atoms. Atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Molecular assemblers, microscopic machines, would build molecules by putting atoms together. Just give this machine any type of matter, such as water, and it can rearrange the atomic pieces to make anything else, such as an apple, or gold. These nanomachines can even make copies of themselves, so that once one is built, Humanity can have all the nanomachines it wants. Every home could have a machine, consisting of a very large quantity of these microscopic nanomachines, to provide for all material needs. For example, if you want a glass of orange juice simply tell the machine and it can use water from a water line connection to make a glass filled with orange juice. When you are finished drinking the juice, just put the glass in the machine, and the machine will turn the glass back into clean water and send the water down the drain. People will never have to shop again. New clothes, caviar, lobster, no problem, just tell the machine to make whatever is wanted. These nanomachines will build miniature super-computers, and robots of any desired size. People will not have to work because these robots, computers and machines, will be able to perform any task that needs to be done, or is desired to be done. However, if one desires to work, these production methods can be used to create any work environment one desires. Material poverty will be eliminated. Money, a medium of exchange for material goods and services, will become obsolete, because every individual can have all of their material needs and desires fulfilled by this unlimited production capability. Taxes are no longer necessary. Nanomachines can patrol the human body killing viruses, deleting any cancerous growths, and regenerating damaged cells so that one never ages or gets sick. Pollution will not result from this molecular manufacturing process, and these nanomachines can be unleashed to clean up any preexisting pollution. There is no need to harvest trees, or other natural resources, because nanomachines can make anything desired. Animals will not have to be raised for slaughter to feed humans or provide clothes, because nanomachines can make anything desired. This unlimited production system just needs matter and energy to function These machines can make solar panels and energy storage devices so efficient that the energy from the sun will be the only power ever needed. The only other thing needed to run the machines is some type of matter, which can be air, water, dirt, or anything else that is plentiful. Fantastic engineering feats are possible, such as see-through domes over cities to eliminate weather concerns, and an extensive water piping system to eliminate drought and floods. Extraordinary amusement parks and entertainment centers could be built with this technology. Space exploration and colonization would be easily feasible with this technology. Whole planets can be encased in a protective see-through shield and a vacation paradise or living space can be created on them.

       In sum, through some combination of machines, robots, computers, and/or other technologies, Humanity will have the ability to provide for all material needs and desires, and Humanity can thereby make and/or create any environment desired. Humanity will be able to build perfect places.

Chapter VII
"Mental Mastery"

       Humanity will develop methods to control and regulate feelings and emotions, increase intelligence, and eliminate mental illness. People will have a mental heaven through mind-shaping. People will have healthy minds free from any mental agony such as depression, because all mental illness will be cured. Humans will discover how to access and unleash the full capabilities and power of the brain, and thereby reach levels of intelligence and thought that takes the essence of being to an unimaginably complete state of existence. Humanity will be able to achieve control of the brain so one can elect to have any feeling or emotion desired, or elect to avoid any feeling or emotion. One will be able to have pure thought unaffected by feelings or emotions, and unrestrained by sensory or other limitations. Such mind-shaping methods may involve the use of chemicals and/or genetic engineering to enhance the pleasure pathways of the brain, and block negative feedback pathways. This would result is a perpetual state of happiness, pleasure, and joy. Boredom, anger and other negative feelings and emotions will no longer plague man. People will be happy about being in a state of happiness, a perpetual love of everything. Each individual will have the capability to completely control their thoughts, and thereby be the god of their own universe, the king of their mental sphere of existence.

       Additionally, Humanity will develop sensory devices to enhance mental abilities, and virtual reality systems for unlimited mental experiences. The virtual reality systems will allow people to experience anything desired, and it will be and feel as if it actually happened. For example, instead of reading a novel, one can live the story in a three dimensional perception that can not be distinguished from reality. Through virtual systems one can experience anything they can conceptualize. Everyone would have their own unlimited mental amusement park, and the experiences can be interactive with other humans. Total freedom exists in such a world where one's virtual actions cannot cause harm or damage to anything real. For example, one could go on a mental safari and have the experience of bagging big game, yet cause no harm. There are no limits or rules in virtual land. In such a place, even the sky is not the limit because one can fly like an eagle if they so desire. The sensory devices will allow people to experience a plethora of new perceptions, and reach levels of ecstasy and other feelings beyond current human ability. Such sensory devices can heighten and enhance any feeling or perception. Some of the new feelings achieved may even make the orgasmic feeling seem dull by comparison. In fact the enhanced and expanded sensational experiences may be so blissful that people will give up the hassle of maintaining a body as a vessel, and have their brain downloaded into a computer or have their brain placed in some form of a virtual sensory nutrient tank for perpetual existence at the heightened level of perception. There is some empirical evidence of such a desirability from studies which show lab rats will forgo even food in order to sustain electric stimulation of the pleasure area of their brain.

       A key caveat of mind-shaping is that society should not be able to require or restrict any such capabilities, and that the individual should have complete personal choice and control over what, if any, mind-shaping they will undergo.

       In sum, through some method or combination of methods, Humanity will have the ability to provide for all mental needs and desires. Humans will be able to achieve full mental satisfaction through utilization of maximum intellectual capabilities, the curing of all mental illness, elimination of the negative side of human nature, and virtual sensory devices. Such full mental satisfaction will have profound positive impacts on current paradigms. For example, drug abuse, crime, and war may become obsolete, because mentally satisfied people have no need or desire to engage in such activities; and/or this higher level of increased conscious-being may usher in an era of peaceful coexistence where the need for social rules dissipates; and/or etc.. However, the full scope of any such impacts is beyond the limit of Humanity's current level of knowledge.

Chapter VIII
Perfect Picture

        Our ability to control our environment and ourselves will increase and through some combination of such abilities each individual will be able to live in their vision of heaven. This picture of Utopia is the ability of each person to live in their own picture of Utopia. A heaven on earth, where everyone lives as they desire. In order to satisfy all people Utopia cannot be a one size fits all environment, but must be a multitude of different environments concept. A true Utopia must be everything to everyone, and as such must contain the five basic elements set forth in the first book of this trilogy. As to the element of complete knowledge, humanity will eventually obtain a complete understanding of how it and everything in its proximate environment works, and learn methods to control and regulate the same. Once the complete knowledge element is obtained, any other element can be satisfied. As to the element of everlasting life, humanity will eventually learn how to eliminate death and illness. As to the element of all good and no evil, evil will be eliminated because humanity will learn how to discard its negative side. As to the infinite provision element, humanity will develop unlimited production capabilities to provide for all material needs and desires, and methods will be discovered to satisfy all mental needs and desires.

        Excluding the as of yet unknown impact of future full mental satisfaction capabilities on the individual-society paradigm, the fifth element, a perfect balance between the individual and society, is the most problematic. Utopia is a true freedom concept. True freedom includes not only the right of free choice, but also the ability to exercise the right of free choice. True freedom permeates all aspects of life, and is more comprehensive than any current philosophy of freedom. Such freedom must include environmental mastery that will allow one freedom from having to work to provide for material needs, freedom from illness and disease, and freedom from death which is the ultimate restriction on life. Such freedom must include mental mastery that will free people from anguish, sadness and other negative mental experiences, and allow people to break the chains of sensory and intellectual limitations. However, when interacting with other humans the freedom to do as you please also includes the right of others not to be offended by your actions and vice versa. One way to satisfy all parties when balancing the right of individual freedom against the right of people not to be annoyed, injured, or offended by actions of others, is to allow any activity, but restrict where the activity may be engaged in. Clearly one should have total freedom inside their own home. When one wants to interact with other humans, in a real setting, they should be able to select the environment that has the rules they prefer. Instead of standard rules for all public places, society could establish different rules for different places so that each person can go to the type of public place where there are rules of conduct and behavior that suits their preference. There could be a varying mixture of rules of conduct for different public places which results in at least one easily accessible place to satisfy any particular type of mixture of desired public behavior. For example, nudists who like to swill beer, smoke stogies, curse, and listen to loud rock bands, should have a public place to go to that suits their desires, and people who are offended by such behavior would know to avoid that place. Under such a system there is total freedom, except for the harm to life prohibition, and except for some restrictions on where some conduct may be engaged in. Actually, even a harm to life desire can be fulfilled, either through virtual reality, or with lifelike robotic forms. All needs and desires can be fulfilled, there are just some restrictions on where it may be done.

Chapter IX
"Beyond Utopia"

        Humanity may discover a way to exist as pure energy, a form of pure thought. It is in this place beyond Utopia, Entopia, where the need for any restrictions becomes obsolete. This theoretical highest level of existence is beyond the scope of anything humans can currently experience. Such a state of being should allow for unlimited mental ability, where one would experience omnipotence. In such a state of existence, there are no boundaries of essence, and no restrictions on being. In such a pure state of being there are no problems, worries, or negative concerns. Such a state of being would be a type of ultimate content peaceful completeness. If humanity can reach such a state, it will have checkmated nature.

Chapter X
"Seek and Ye Shall Find"

       The future is an unknown quantity, and as such can only be speculated about. Utopia could be some form of one of the above methods, some other method beyond Humanity's current ability of perception, or some combination thereof. What is known, is that the present state of the world is not the best Humanity can do, and neither was the past. We must press forward to find our best. There are no limits to future abilities, just limits to what we can do now. We simply must keep shining the light of knowledge on the darkness of ignorance, until we find our best. If we continue on such a path, at some point in the future, Humanity will bridge the gap between reality and Utopia.


Thank You for your time, and may your life be Utopian.

Copyright © 1998 by Jon Will, ESQ., CPA, MBA
Published and Distributed by:
Utopia Now Organization
P.O. Box 901
Owings Mills, MD 21117