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Eritrea: The Ministry of Information Launches Its Official Website

From Ministry of Information, Eritrea

National News

The Ministry of Information Launches Its Official Website

By Shabait Staff May 23, 2003, 19:14

May 24 has marked the launching of the Ministry of Informationıs official website as part of the ministryıs efforts to boost information
services to the public both in quality and kind.

Dubbed or, the website hosted by the Ministry of Information in Asmara will become a vital source of first hand and reliable information to Eritreans and foreigners alike within the country and abroad about Eritrea and the region. With the
dissemination of information in the form of script, audio and video feeds, the website is also expected to have a major impact in introducing Eritrea with the world.

On the occasion, the Shabait Board states that the website will exploit the advantages of modern internet technology in getting news stories
from the countryıs media outlets to reach to the corners of the globe, thereby closing down on the information gap previously experienced.

The Board further adds that, in addition to expanding coverage, will be opening opportunities of choice, granting its visitors
the variety of medium. The Website takes its name after ³Shabait², the historical place which served as the EPLFıs door to the world during the
liberation struggle where the Eritrean Radio ³Voice of the Broad Masses² broadcast its programs for many years until independence.

As part of the ministryıs plans to expand information services, the Eritrean Television has already been uplinked to Arab Satellite, reaching out to Eritreans in the Middle East and Europe since the previous week. The Eritrean Radio ³Voice of the Broad Masses² is also expected to be linked to the satelitte services in the coming weeks.

READ MORE (Tigrigna pdf)
