From the land of




Riding the mushroom

I'll free you all

peoples of the world

from the old

era of darkness.


Hail me: because I cleared Iraq of Weapons of Mass Destruction and there I brought peace and prosperity.
Glorify me: because I wiped out terrorism from the face of the planet.
Follow me: that the Axis of Evil may be cancelled from this earth nurtured with the raging flames of my love.


Yes, I'm coming!

with the dazzling power of my mushroom

to free you all, earthlings,

even from the flesh and bones

that you may happily be lulled

in Gaia's lifeless cradle.

Stare at the clouds

peoples of the world

and riding the white mushroom

of the apocalypse I will appear.



Today WAS November 28, 2010   Daylight


Self-assertion, a natural prerequisite of the human mind, is an indispensable tool for the survival of every form of life and in man it is regulated by social conventions and laws in diverse environments. When self-assertion is displayed by a weakened psyche it takes the form of a compensatory trait but a weak mind is unable to comprehend or realize its import.
If a weak psyche (whatever meaning that may have) is invested with great power and might this compensatory trait usually emerges as a treat to society or, particularly in a nuclear-armed world like ours, to humankind as a whole.
In such instances unscrupulous persons of low morals very close to “the mighty” – who unaware is a puppet in their hands - prosper by keeping his fantasies aloft and, given their position, to the detriment of whoever tries to establish a rational equilibrium on current affairs.
Unhappily this appears to be the current state of things in the United States with a “…administration, claiming to be anointed by a Christian God to reshape the world … “[1] which, from a pillar of democracy are moving towards a despotic political system where “the mighty” is making the worst of his compensatory complex.
It appears that if he is going to pursue his aims in the direction he seems to be headed for hardly anyone on the planet will make it out unscathed in one way or another.
Little may be added to this lines but the hope that he who wrote them is damned wrong and that our wonderful planet will prosper with an intelligent ape walking on it that learned to respect and safeguard it for what it is: a rare gem full of beauty and life in the cosmic spaces.

[1] Bush's Nuclear Apocalypse

He brought freedom to Iraq - if enduring carnage, a looming or possibly already ignited civil war and military occupation are synonyms of freedom.

He cleared Iraq from the absence of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) filling it with DU (Depleted Uranium ***)

He fights terrorism to wipe it out from the planet. Not only he missed his main target, but terrorism is constantly increasing as a result of his holy battle.

He embarked on a crusade to wipe out the "Axis of Evil": it appears that now he is the crux of the same.

He his greatly expanding his deadly arsenal and surely prone to more uncertain military ventures - he is not dying or killing in the battle theatres. He does not seem to realize that the rope of a global nuclear conflict may break loose at any time in response to his miscalculations, lack of wisdom and greed of global resources.

*** 1 ton of DU is the radiation-equivalent of 103 Nagasaki bombs.