"No one has the right to condemn humanity to atomic death"
(M. Gorbacev).

Yet, do we feel on safe ground? We cannot be blind to the fact that the rope is being pulled more and more, that we live the promise of "a future without a future".

Greed for sources of energy, a dwindling supply of water to cover the ever growing agricultural needs within the increasing world's population might possibly be the main stakes at issue and with no immediate answer so that time becomes a pressing factor. To these we may add fanatic terrorists and the possibility of self-ignition due to some accidental event so that our minds obviously cannot contemplate a safe world: doom, whether or not we are conscious of this fact, has become a part of our psychical makeup. And we individually can do nothing to avert it.

Should we hopelessly succumb?

No, not if we perceive the least chance because it will be a matter not just of individual survival but of the survival of the human species as such and, yes, the very painful birth pangs of a new human being set on a constructive path.

We are already threatening the planet as a whole, we are destructing its ecosystem and what we may expect, whether we bring it about or whether the planet itself will revolt against us, is a dire future where survival will become an imperative struggle.

The image on the left is the reverse side of the "NUCLEAR BOMB EFFECTS COMPUTER" (Click image to download large image: 814 kb).

© Franco Dell'Oro except the pages that do not carry this notice. Free for educational and personal use. Cannot be reproduced in print for commercial purposes.